biblical myth

Lent to Easter 2015 (1 of 7) by

The God Who Initiates Deep Change
David Flowers

Sermon Series: Lent to Easter 2015
Sermon Title: The God Who Initiates Deep Change
Scripture Reading: Genesis 9:8-17; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Isaiah 55:10-13

What is God doing? What does he want to do? Whatever God is doing, it isn't "same old, same old." God wants to do a new thing! 

Our Lent to Easter 2015 series focuses our attention on our need to see how and where God is at work in our personal walk with him, and in the life of our church. Are we listening? Do we recognize the Holy Spirit at work?

Our series begins with a look at the original portrait of God from Genesis 1-11. How do we understand this literary unit in light of its genre and of the God revealed in Jesus? Pastor David calls us to rethink what we thought we knew, and see that God's ways are upside down and inside out. He is much better than we have ever imagined.

Listen to David and view the slides here.