Covenant Membership

CMF practices covenant membership. This membership is an active form of public profession to faithfully follow Christ, commit to serving the Body of Christ, and to be on mission for the sake of the Kingdom. 

An invitation to join the church as a covenant member will be given periodically throughout the year, but you may join at any time. All new members are announced, presented, and welcomed to the church.

There is an annual signing/renewal ceremony at the beginning of every new year. You may access the CMF Covenant Membership card here, or simply read the covenant below:

Christiansburg Mennonite Fellowship Covenant

As a follower of Jesus, I recognize the Biblical call to and spiritual value of covenant relationship with other Christians. I choose to unite in covenant membership with the church body of Christiansburg Mennonite Fellowship (CMF).

I have read and affirm the MCUSA Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective (Summary Statement) and commit myself to the following:

  • To live as a follower of Jesus Christ, learning to obey his teachings and his example.
  • Be involved in an ongoing church ministry (e.g. small groups, Sunday School, CMF ministry teams, children, youth, outreach, etc.).
  • Support the ministry of CMF through prayer, time and energy, active attendance, and financial giving.
  • Take ownership of the church and under normal circumstances fill in the gaps when needed and called upon to serve for the purposes of the gospel.
  • Support and pray for the leadership of CMF as they seek to guide us in Kingdom mission and vision.
  • Seek to be loving in all of my relationships, no matter what group, class, race, gender, or nationality—to be a Christian peacemaker in and outside the church.
  • Remain open to give and receive counsel, to forgive and be forgiven, to be challenged and held accountable for my words and deeds.
  • Discover my unique gifting and calling within the Body of Christ, helping others to do the same.

With the help of my brothers and sisters at CMF, I want to be accountable for faithfulness to keep this covenant with you and God. By signing this covenant membership card, I wholeheartedly make this public commitment.