Go and Make Disciples / June 11, 2017 by Guest User ScripturesGenesis 1:1-2:4aPsalm 8, 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Matthew 28:16-20 Go and Make Disciples Don Yoder
Unless the Lord Builds the House / June 4, 2017 by Guest User Texts: Mark 12:38-44 Unless the Lord Builds the House Don Yoder
Not Orphaned / May 21, 2017 by Guest User ScripturesActs 17:22-31Psalm 66:8-201 Peter 3:13-22John 14:15-21 Not Orphaned Don Yoder
Called by Name / May 7, 2017 by Guest User ScripturesPsalm 231 Peter 2:19-25John 10:1-10 Called by Name Don Yoder
Speak Through the Earthquake, Wind, and Fire / April 30, 2017 by Guest User Scriptures1 Kings 19:9-18Psalm 85:8-13Philippians 2:5 Earthquake Wind and Fire Don Yoder
Easter: Restore us, O God! We Live. / April 16, 2017 by Guest User Restore us o God, We Live Don Yoder