Missio Dei (5 of 6) / by

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Missional Living
Jake Lee

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Sermon Series:  Missio Dei
Sermon Title:  Missional Living
Scripture Reading:  Luke 9:51-10:20; 12:13-21; 16:19-23; 19:11-21

One of the great challenges to the people of God from the very beginning has been how to engage with the broken world they found themselves in. What is an appropriate response? How are we to be disciples of a holy God in a sometimes unholy world? 

In Missional Living (5 of 6), Jake Lee calls us to pay attention to the life Jesus lived before His disciples, and the call He put on their lives in discerning what it means to be the people of God in the midst of a chaotic culture, by asking the question, "What is failure in the Kingdom of God"? And what might be the opposite of that?