
Advent 2015 (1 of 6) by

The Path of Justice
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  Freedom Bound -- Advent to Epiphany 2015
Sermon Title:  The Path of Justice
Scripture Reading:  Jeremiah 33:14-16; Mark 1:1-4, 14-15; Galatians 5:1, 13

The Advent season is a time of reflection on how God's coming in Jesus releases us from personal, social, and historical chains that bind us. The theme for this Advent-Epiphany season is "Freedom Bound." We live in the paradox that we are both bound and free, on a march to freedom but encumbered by the burden of sin we carry; we are carrying the scars of struggle but living with a new hope. God's freedom takes us down pathways of justice, mercy, trust, love, service, and inclusion.

In The Path of Justice, pastor David calls our attention to how Jesus revealed the healing path of God’s justice. Listen to David and view the slides here.

Advent 2014 (2 of 6) by

Passing On Peace
David Flowers

Advent is the beginning of the church calendar. This is a season of hope that calls us to examine our faith in light of the first coming of Jesus in a manger, to his second coming at the end of the present age. What does it mean to patiently persevere in the hope of things to come?

Our Advent-Christmas 2014 worship series is an invitation for all to come into the greatest story ever told. In the second message, David explains how repentance is the way to knowing peace in our lives, so that we can then pass peace on to others.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Series Outline:

Advent One: Hope Renewed
Advent Two: Passing On Peace
Advent Three: Finding Joy
Advent Four: Liberating Love
Christmas One: Beauty That Blesses
Epiphany Sunday: God's Mystery Revealed