
Psalms Series (4 of 6) by

Tears of Lament
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  By Streams of Living Water
Sermon Title:  Tears of Lament
Scripture Reading:  Psalm 102:1-13; Lamentations 3:22-26; Matthew 5:4

Psalms of lament provide a pattern of prayer for desperate times. We do not hide our misery from God or from the church; we do not pretend that all is well. Instead, we name our grief, acknowledge our misery, and shed bitter tears.

The prayer of lament is cathartic. Naming our woes and crying out to God opens a pathway to new awareness of God’s presence. This is especially true when we lament together in the community of faith, writing or singing our own songs of lament. God’s healing grace becomes palpable, and we find strength to continue to be faithful in the midst of struggle.

In the following message, pastor David encourages us to connect with God by expressing our songs of lament, and by hearing the songs of others.

Listen to David and view the slides here.