believer's baptism

Covenant & Commitment (2 of 4) by

Sermon Series: Covenant & Commitment: A Four-Week Series on Covenant Membership
Sermon Title: Covenanting with Christ & the Church
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 8:1-13; Matthew 26:26-30; John 14:1-10

God has established a new and everlasting covenant through Christ. Baptism and communion are public signs of this covenant with Christ and the church. Jesus said he is the way, and the truth, and the life. He is God in the flesh. He then calls forth a community of committed believers to testify to this truth. As members of a local church, how do we live in the tension of Christ’s exclusive claims and his all-inclusive call to love others?

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Series Outline:

  1. Covenant: A Living, Breathing Thing
  2. Covenanting with Christ & the Church
  3. A New Covenant, A Renewed Vision
  4. Covenant as Christian Discipleship