Pentecost 2: God's Migrant Workers / May 13, 2018 by Guest User ScripturesActs 1:15-17, 21-26Psalm 11 John 5:9-13John 17:6-19 Pentecost (#1) - God's Migrant Workers Andrew Buckwalter-Fairfield
Lent 5: Me & You & Covenant New / March 18, 2018 by Guest User ScripturesJeremiah 31:31-34Psalm 51:1-12Hebrews 5:5-10John 12:20-33 New Covenant: Seeking God Jake Yoder
Lent 2: Me & You & The Generations After You / February 26, 2018 by Guest User ScripturesGenesis 17:1-7, 15-16Psalm 22:23-31Romans 4:13-25Mark 8:31-38 Lent 2: Me & You & The Generations After You Sam Winn