Obeying Jesus (7 of 7) / by

Be, Do, Go
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  Obeying Jesus: 7 Commands for Every Disciple
Sermon Title:  Be, Do, Go (7 of 7)
Scripture Reading:  Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 10:1-12; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

In his last moments on earth with his core disciples, Jesus said, “Go and make disciples… teaching them to obey all that I have commanded.” So, what are these commands that sincere, authentic followers of Jesus should be obeying? In our Obeying Jesus: 7 Commands for Every Disciple series, we will look closely at the teachings and practices that Jesus said are basic and foundational to faithfully following him.

Last words are significant. After Jesus is resurrected, and just before he ascends back to the Father, he gives his disciples a final command: “Go and make disciples…” (Matt 28:18-20). Jesus instructs his disciples to carry on his mission, to pass on his teachings and continue his work.

In Be, Do Go (7 of 7), pastor David helps us to understand what Jesus is asking of us and why he left us this way. Listen to David and view the slides here.