Covenant & Commitment (3 of 4) / by

Sermon Series: Covenant & Commitment: A Four-Week Series on Covenant Membership
Sermon Title: A New Covenant, A Renewed Vision
Scripture Reading: Genesis 21:1-13; Psalm 105:1-11; Ephesians 2:1-10, 19-22

The biblical narrative reveals that God desires to bless us regardless of our repeated unfaithfulness and our broken commitments, if only we would repent and believe. God can take our messiness and bring good out of it. This renewed vision comes by entering into a living covenant with him and joining together with others who desire the same. 

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Series Outline:

  1. Covenant: A Living, Breathing Thing
  2. Covenanting with Christ & the Church
  3. A New Covenant, A Renewed Vision
  4. Covenant as Christian Discipleship