Advent 2014 (5 of 6) / by Guest User

Beauty That Blesses
Jonathan Kolodner

Advent is the beginning of the church calendar. This is a season of hope that calls us to examine our faith in light of the first coming of Jesus in a manger, to his second coming at the end of the present age. What does it mean to patiently persevere in the hope of things to come?

Our Advent-Christmas 2014 worship series is an invitation for all to come into the greatest story ever told. In the fifth message, Jonathan Kolodner talks about a beauty that blesses the world.

Series Outline:

Advent One: Hope Renewed
Advent Two: Passing On Peace
Advent Three: Finding Joy
Advent Four: Liberating Love
Christmas One: Beauty That Blesses
Epiphany Sunday: God's Mystery Revealed